Sunday, August 05, 2007


"Wrasslin' and reachin'

Well, next week came and went... sorry folks, time just got away from me.

I’m getting down to the short strokes on this one now. Looks like this should be “the week” to deliver these cabinets!!! They are really starting to look like cabinets now - nice ones too.

I’m “wrassling” with veneers for the end panels. I’m not much of veneer fan, likely because I don’t use them very often. It seems that they either go on really easily, or they are a pain. One of these is trying to be a pain - but then, that’s why everyone isn’t doing it. It just takes some patience.

Here is a shot of the combination sink and 24” base unit. The strips you see are from the masking tape I use to identify and label the pieces before they're assembled.

And here are, wrapped up like a Christmas present, the rest of the cabinets. The plain wood one in the lower left, is the a 27” drawer base. finishing begins tomorrow, and then, and then...

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