Tuesday, April 03, 2007



Even though I had some work to finish - or finishing work to do on the sample doors, my cold really flogged me today.

It was, however, a good day for micro-farming. We have 6 half wine barrels that the Sons of Holeman & Sons use to raise a vegetable garden. It is part of their schooling - and tasty too!

Last year was a bit haphazard. This year Dad was prepared. We did a full plot plan - or rather #1 Son did the plan with a little help from Dad. #2 Son was very interested in the circles, but wanted action sooner than later. He also wanted to make sure he got to plant the seeds. Planning didn’t seem to be his strong suit - action is.

After a morning snack, we took inventory of our seeds and discovered that we had no carrots and no peppers [one of our favs from last year]. #1 Son was determined to have carrots this year and Dad was determined to have peppers - so we took a quick trip down to Bosworth & Son - the Geyserville General Store - been about the same for about 100 years - and got some carrot and pepper seeds. We were good to go.

After the plot plan, we made little signs with the names of the crops. Then it was time to start real farming - 32 Son was happy at this move outside.

We did some soil prep first - pulling weeds that had sprung up, loosening the soil, adding some where it was needed and the usual gardening/farming type tasks. Pretty soon, we were ready to plant.

#1 Son was responsible for reading the planting directions - which we had for evrything except for some fancy beans given us by some friends. Planting got underway.

Finger holes were made to the requisite depth. Both boys took great delight in counting out the right number of seeds to go into each hole and area. #1 Son - really the lead micro-farmer - was in charge of placing the signs in the right place and did an excellent job. #2 Son was really good at covering up the seeds - we all had our jobs to do.

Pretty soon we had planted: Cucumbers, Carrots, Beans, Peas, 3 kinds of Peppers, Okra and Sun Flowers. We saved some space for tomato plants, which we’ll get in the next couple of days.

The final task, watering, was enjoyed, so it seemed, by both boys - and Dad too.

It was a good day!

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